News and Events
We aim to keep Parents and Carers fully informed of school activities.
School Newsletter
Our school newsletter is published every week, usually on Wednesdays. There are some paper copies held at the school office should anyone need one, otherwise, they are posted on the school website weekly.
For all the latest news in the Trust, please go to the news page on the BCWCAT website:
Our children at St Joseph's will be mentioned regularly I'm sure!
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download_for_offlineWk10 pub
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download_for_offlineSpring wk5
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download_for_offlineSpring wk4
- Spring wk3 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpring wk3
- Spring Wk2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpring Wk2
There are no documents to display at present.
Our calendar details what events and activities are taking place soon.
Meet the Teacher
At the start of the academic year, there will be an opportunity to meet your child's class teacher informally. Parents and Carers are also given a formal appointment to discuss your child's progress during the Autumn and Spring terms. In addition, there will be a written report produced at the end of every year. You will be able to find out about your child's progress and how they are getting on in school. If you have any concerns about your child's progress or their friendships/potential bullying, then please do make an appointment to see your child's class teacher at any time throughout the year. Always see your child's class teacher in the first instance as they know your child best. If there are any safeguarding concerns, please speak to Mrs Robinson, Miss Lister or Miss Nugent, who are our safeguarding team. Thank you.
Parental Involvement
Parents and Carers are warmly invited to assist in a variety of activities, such as reading, small group work, music, PE, craft activities, cooking, gardening and school trips. We appreciate involvement in school life in any way, please just ask!
- Spring wk5 download_for_offline
- Wk14 download_for_offline